Our Facilitators

The effects of Psilocybin, the bioactive compound in magic mushrooms and truffles, are wide reaching and multi-faceted. Very meaningful outcomes can be achieved through integrating the psychedelic experience with the support of dedicated space-holders.


Amit Elan is co-director of Altered - a conference exploring psychedelic research and consciousness happening in Berlin. He worked as a facilitator with the Psychedelic Society UK co-facilitating legal psychedelic retreats in The Netherlands…


Robert Napp/Randma is a certified body-psychotherapist under the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP). He’s been working with individuals and groups for several years and helped organize the Baltic’s biggest Psychedelics Conference…

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Guillaume Dardenne invites to reconnect with the body using somatic modalities like Shiatsu, Somatic Experiencing and Reiki. He offers spiritual care-giving within a Buddhist hospice and currently train as a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner


Lilian Gscheidel is a gestalt- and dance therapist as well as a trained facilitator for transpersonal breath work and heroes journeys. Besides that, she gives love retreats for couples, combining conscious sexuality, emotional work and trauma healing.


Deborah Yudelewicz is trained in different embodies practices of therapy. Specializing in voice, sound healing and music. Deborah Has years of experience facilitating group processes around the globe, living between Argentina and Israel..


Lisa Wessing trained in psychology, anthropology, and biology. She has worked in one of the most renowned psychedelic center in Mexico, assisting in psychedelic therapy and providing support to people dealing with different issues from depression to addiction.
